MyShield-provides an ever-enhanced layer of security for the crypto currency ecosystem and ultimately for the entire e-commerce world.

Hasil gambar untuk bounty MyShield

What is MyShield?

MyShield is an innovative decentralized anti-scam platform.

MyShield will alert users whenever they reach a fraudulent website, an online counterfeit sale, and other types of online scams.
based on two sources of intelligence – reports on potential scam by users of MyShield shared with the community, and providers of AI Powered Cyber -Intelligence. MyShield is aiming to bring trust to the e-commerce and online market.

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The Eco System 

The MyShield platform will bring together different stakeholders into one ecosystem – these stakeholders include users, companies, AI-powered cyber intelligence providers, guarantee providers and enforcement services providers. The MyShield platform will leverage the robust technology of BrandShield, for monitoring the Internet and analysing the potential risk of different online threats. BrandShield's technology is currently being used by top global brands to protect them from online scams. BrandShield will be the first, of potentially many, providers of (AI Powered Cyber Intelligence)

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Token Economy 

MyShield™ users are incentivized by a crypto-currency model to earn bounties in MyShield tokens, a token of trust.

The MyShield™ platform synergizes stakeholders under one ecosystem, providing confidence for everyone.

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Problem & Solution

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MyShield is an innovative decentralized anti-scam platform. It is determined to inspire confidence when executing online transactions. Powered by both AI cyber intelligence and crowd wisdom, MyShield provides a constantly improving layer of security for the crypto-currency Ecosystem and eventually for the entire e-commerce world.

You are witnessing a security game-changer for online transactions.

"With MyShield, the accreditation of the industry is placed back into the hands of crypto users by not only alerting them of different scams, but also rewarding those users who report potential scams and share them with other members..."

Token Allocation

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Together with our team and advisors we are committed to act
towards bringing the MyShield ecosystem of confidence on time to market:

Token Sale Details:

Meet our Team

for more info please visit the link below:

author : xabiru

My Eth : 0x178D3566b4FB09232BE5C3ee343D473445D1d36A


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